Missions and Outreach
Bethlehem has a strong history of caring for the needs of others and giving mission support to needy causes. While economic changes have happened to everyone, we still work very hard hands on to keep giving and helping as major focuses of our work together. Some of the ways we work on Mission and Outreach include:
Our Clothing Ministry-collecting used clothing, sorting and redistributing to food pantries, needy families, and annual "bag sales" of clothing. We also help individuals facing times of challenge or changing needs with free clothing.
The 5K Race fund-primary focus of the monies raised here is to outreach to others through events (summer movie night and outdoor service), VBS, support to area food shelters (United Methodist of Ellenville, Union and Washingtonville) and community dinners,
Deacons Ministry-Our deacons care for emotional and emergency financial needs for our congregation
Habitat For Humanity-We usually send a walk team to the yearly walk, talent to the Talent night, and financially support Habitat of Newburgh
Operation Christmas Child Boxes-we annually sponsor the collection of these wonderful packages of love to children in needy areas.
One Great Hour of Sharing
"One Great Hour of Sharing is an offering that makes the love of Christ real for individuals and communities around the world who suffer the effects of disaster, conflict, or severe economic hardship, and for those who serve them through gifts of money and time."
(Taken from http://onegreathourofsharing.org/purpose/)
(Taken from http://onegreathourofsharing.org/purpose/)